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Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Challenge Leadership: Chronos

I throw the Ceremonial Duelling Blade as Chronos is explaining his warfare plans to the other members in the War room. It plunges into the table in front of him and quivers there.

"You have revealed your collusion with a member of House Entropy in making these plans. That credit should rightly belong to us. You are strengthening outsiders at our expense. I have also witnessed you exchanging pleasantries with the Leader of House Entropy - again, strengthening our rivals. Why would you do that? I question your loyalty!"

"Other members of House Activity, I will be a better Leader. For one thing, the Reputation I gain if I win this Duel will strengthen our entire Alliance, should open warfare begin."

"So we will see who is fit to rule, Chronos, either pick up the Blade and meet me in the Courtyard or we fight here and now with bare hands."

Challenge Failed, Oct. 21