Proposal: Lets Be Civilized About Killing Each Other
If the Ritual Warfare rule passes, append the following to the rule Casus Belli:
You're going to regret that.
I'd suggest that someone propose a modification to the third paragraph when they figure out how to work Alliances in here.
0-6 Self-kill. Failed by Orson, October 21
Simon's Vote of DEFERENTIAL became the same as the High Lord's Vote (rule 16 did not apply as he was the Leader of an Alliance, so his Voting resolution followed rule 5)
Any Warlord who holds a Casus Belli against another Warlord may attack that Warlord, as specified by the rule Ritual Warfare.
Any Warlord without a Casus Belli may attack another Warlord. This action gives a Casus Belli against the attacking warlord to the defender, and costs the attacker 10 Reputation, plus an additional 10 Reputation if the defender is a member of any alliance in which the attacker is also a member.
No other Warlords may participate in the military actions described by the preceding two paragraphs.
You're going to regret that.
I'd suggest that someone propose a modification to the third paragraph when they figure out how to work Alliances in here.

Simon's Vote of DEFERENTIAL became the same as the High Lord's Vote (rule 16 did not apply as he was the Leader of an Alliance, so his Voting resolution followed rule 5)
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