Proposal: Archmage Artifact Auctions
Enact a new rule, entitled "Auctions"-
Enacted by Mat Jan 16; 8:41
Once a week, the Archmage may hold an auction to get rid of some of the old magical devices he has lying around. He does this by posting to BlogNomic a list, which may not be longer than three items long, of Unique Gewgaws, with whatever effects these Gewgaws may have listed. These Gewgaws do not have listed their creation prices, and thus may not be copied by other Sorcerers.
Bidding takes place in the comments to the post. Any Sorcerer may immediately post a bid for any of the Gewgaws, in the format of "X Power, X Energy." (The types of energy are indistinguishable). 24 hours after the posting of the list of auctioned Gewgaws, the Archmage then awards the items to the highest bidders, and subtracts what they bid from their accounts. If an item has no bids on it, then the Archmage decides nobody wants it and sticks it back in his attic, never to be seen again.

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