Proposal : Six Spells [Trivial]
To the Rule "Magic", add:-
Add the following new spells:-
Enacted by Mat, Jan 14; 08:00
Some spells have lasting effects on Sorcerors; these are tracked in the GNDT, in the "Effects" field.
Add the following new spells:-
Steam Conduit
1 Water, 1 Fire
A chosen Sorceror loses 5 Power, and another chosen Sorceror gains 5 Power.
Clay Wall
1 Water, 1 Earth
The caster gains a "Clay Wall" effect. Whenever a spell would affect a Sorceror who has one or more Clay Walls, one of their Clay Walls is destroyed instead.
Lightning Blast
1 Air, 1 Fire
A chosen Sorceror loses 2D6 Power. (The caster must make a comment of "Damage = DICE+DICE" when expending the energy.)
Healing Jet
1 Air, 1 Water
A chosen Sorceror gains 2D6 Power. (The caster must make a comment of "Gain = DICE+DICE" when expending the energy.)
Dust Storm
1 Earth, 1 Air
No spells may be cast by any Sorceror, during the next 24 hours.
Lava Flow
1 Earth, 1 Fire
Every Sorceror (including the caster) loses 10 Power.

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