Proposal: To War
If Proposal: Bondage fails, this automatically fails too.
Enact a rule, entitled Combat:
Obviously, there's a lot there, so I'd like it if we could discuss it before voting on it.
Auto-failed by joranj, due to failure of Bondage
Enact a rule, entitled Combat:
A Sorcerer may send his army to attack another Sorcerer at any time. This must be done through a post on BlogNomic. If Proposal: Strongholds passes: The Sorcerer being attacked then has 24 hours to post a comment detailing ey's response; e has the choice of either -a- meeting the Agressor's army on the plains, or -b- retreating to the castle to defend. This choice is entirely the Defender's; however, it 24 hours pass and no response has been made, the Defender retreats to eys Stronghold by default.
The attacker does not have to send their entire Army, so long as they detail the exact number of committed troops in their BlogNomic posts. The Defender does not have to commit their whole army in a Plains battle.
Plains battle
A plains battle proceeds as per the following cycle:
Round 1. Speed. The Speed stats of the two Armies are compared, as the two Cavalry groups clash. The balance is the number of units killed by the faster Army; they may be assigned as the attacker chooses.
Keitalia has attacked Royce, and Royce has chosen to meet Keitalia on the plains. Keitalia's stats: P: 40, S: 20, D: 20. Royce's stats:P: 25, S: 30, D: 25.
First round: Royce, as the faster Army, gains the advantage. (Royce: Speed 30, Keitalia: Speed 20. Difference 10). Royce may inflict 10 damage on Keitalia's Army, and he chooses to take 5 each from Power and Defense.
Round 2. Attack.
In a similar way, the Attack of each Army is compared to the Defense of the other. Each Army may then apportion damage equal to the difference in their favour.
After the first round, Keitalia's stats: P: 35, S: 20, D: 15. Royce's stats:P: 25, S: 30, D: 25.
(Royce's Power: 25 minus Keitalia's Defense: 15. Royce inflicts 10 damage. Royce chooses to inflict 5 damage each to Attack and Defense.)
(Keitalia's Power: 35 minus Royce's Defense: 25. Keitalia inflicts 10 damage, and chooses to apportion all 10 points to Speed.)
After combat, the stats are as follows: Keitalia's stats: P: 30, S: 20, D: 10. Royce's stats:P: 25, S: 20, D: 25.
Combat continues in this cycle until one Army is defeated or chooses to withdraw. If Proposal: Strongholds passes: If either army is defeated, of the Attacker withdraws, the combat is over. If the Defending Army withdraws, they fall back to their Stronghold, and the Attacker has to option to persue. If they choose to do so, then combat continues as per the Stronghold rules.
Either Sorcerer may cast Magic at any time. Another Sorcerer can choose to enter the fray on either side; two Sorcerers on the same side are considered to form one Army, although they may still cast Magic separately.
If Proposal: Strongholds passes:Stronghold battle
The Defender must commit their entire force to a Stronghold Defense.
The Defending Sorcerer's Defense stat is multiplied by 5 for a Stronghold battle. The battle proceeds as per the following cycle:
Round 1. Sapping.
The Attacker may send their Sappers in. Each Sapper causes 3 damage to the enemy Defense.
Kevan attacked Wittgenstein, who met him on thge plains. After a protracted battle, Wittgenstein retreated to her Stronghold. Wittgenstein's stats: P: 15, D: 40. Kevan's stats:P: 60, Dem: 10, Def: 20.
As she is in her Stronghold, Wittgenstein's Defense is mulitplied to 200. Kevan's Sappers do 30 damage.
Round 2. Attack.
The Attacker can then lay a frontal attack to the Stronghold. The Defending Sorcerer's Defense is reduced by the Agressor's Power, and the Agressor's Power is reduced in turn by the Defender's Power.
Wittgenstein's stats: P: 15, D: 170. Kevan's stats:P: 60, Dem: 10, Def: 20.
Kevan attacks, for 60 damage to Wittgenstein. Wittgenstein's defenders do 15 damage to Kevan's attackers.
Wittgenstein's stats: P: 15, D: 110. Kevan's stats:P: 45, Dem: 10, Def: 20.
Round 3. Counter-attack.
The defenders can then sally forth. If their Power is greater than the beseiging army's Defense, then they can apportion the balance of damage as they choose. If, however, their Power is lower than the Agressor's Defense, their Power is reduced by the difference.
Wittgenstein bizarrely decides to sally forth. Wittgenstein's stats: P: 15, D: 40. Kevan's stats:P: 60, Dem: 10, Def: 20.
Kevan's Defense (20) is higher than Wittgenstein's Power (15). Wittgenstein's power is reduced to 10.
Combat continues in this cycle until either: -a- the defending army's defense is reduced to zero; -b- the agressor's army's Power is reduced to zero; or -c- the agressor decides to retreat. Note that the defender *cannot* retreat. If the Defender is defeated (i.e. option -a-), then their Stronghold is overrun and they are cast out. The Sorcerer looses his Stronghold, cannot retain Troops, if Proposal: Magic passes: and has all Magical abilites reset to 5.
In general: Either Sorcerer may cast Magic at any time. Another Sorcerer can choose to enter the fray on either side; two Sorcerers on the same side are considered to form one Army, although they may still cast Magic separately. Further troops cannot be added once a battle has started. Regardless of the outcome of any conflict, neither participant can muster their army for attack until 72 hours have passed since the end of the battle.
Obviously, there's a lot there, so I'd like it if we could discuss it before voting on it.

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