Proposal: Win Friends and Influence Blognomic (Trivial)
Add the following spells to the spells list:
Add the following to the Gewgaw's list:
Enacted by Kevan, 3rd Feb - timed out 4 votes to 0. Proposal has no effect, as Spells and Gewgaws no longer exist. +2 to Orkboi, +1 to Kevan.
1 air, 1 water, 5 power
Casting sorceror rolls a DICE. If the result of the die is even, sorceror gains 1 point of energy in each type where sorceror's energy level is even. If the result of the die is odd, sorceror gains 1 point of energy in each type where the sorceror's energy level is odd. Costs for casting are paid before dice are rolled. Oddness or eveness is determined before energy is added.
Add the following to the Gewgaw's list:
Spiky Armadillo
1 fire, 1 earth, 5 power
The next time that a spell does damage to the owning sorceror, the spell's caster takes half that amount of damage, rounded down, and Spiky Armadillo is destroyed. Spells cast by gewgaws are presumed to have been cast by the gewgaw's owner for purposes of Spiky Armadillo.

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