Proposal: Shh
[I hope for this rule to inspire temporary states to be available to those who wish a temporary boost in an attribute.]
Create a new rule "Status"
Failed by Mat, Jan 15; 14:33
Create a new rule "Status"
Any sorcerer has the option to place him/herself into one of the following states by changing his "state" status in the GDNT. Each is followed in parenthesis by the time taken to complete the state or time in which the benefits are in effect.
Sleep (24 hours)
The sorcerer who invokes this increases his/her power by 15% upon the state's completion. Any attack made on a sorcerer in sleep causes twice as much damage.
Bloodlust (3 spells)
Upon initialization, any spell that the sorcerer performs causes 50% more damage to the target at a cost multiple of (DICE-3) of each energy required as posted in the GDNT with a minimum of 0 energy used.
i.e. Kevan could invoke bloodlust by changing his state in the GDNT and perform a spell, say FireBlast(1 water 2 fire), by posting:
"Perform FireBlast, multiple: (DICE-3)"
If DICE=5, then Kevan pays (5-3) or 2 times the cost in energy; 2 waters and 4 fire. Though, if DICE <=3, the spell is essentially free.
Meditation (12 hours)
Upon completion of the period, the sorcerer is allowed to increment one strain of magical energy by one unit.

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