Proposal: Where Does He Get Those Wonderful Toys
As an alternative to Joranj's Items:
Enact a new rule, "Gewgaws:"
Enacted by Kevan, Jan 14; 15:25. +10 to Brendan, +5 to Kevan.
Enact a new rule, "Gewgaws:"
Each Sorcerer may Craft or otherwise obtain Gewgaws, which are held in inventory until destroyed or transferred to another Sorcerer. Crafting a Gewgaw is equivalent to a casting a Spell, with a cost in Power and/or Energy. A Sorceror must have the required amounts of Power and Energy at Craft time. Upon paying the Craft cost, the specified Gewgaw is immediately added to the Sorcerer's Inventory. This inventory is tracked in the GNDT.
No Sorcerer may Craft a particular Gewgaw if he or she already has at least one of that Gewgaw in Inventory.
The list of known Gewgaws shall be appended to the end of this Rule as they are proposed and passed. Proposing a new Gewgaw to add to the current list is always a trivial proposal.
Gewgaws shall be notated in the following manner:
Gewgaw name
Craft Cost
Effect of Gewgaw, be it an indefinite Effect, a daily use, a one-time use which destroys the Gewgaw, or otherwise.
The list of available Gewgaws, in alphabetical order by title, is as follows:
(this parenthetical phrase to be deleted when first Gewgaw proposal is passed)

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