Proposal: Some More Spells - Part Two (trivial)
Add the following spell to the spell list:
(e.g. Kevan casts this, and can claim 2 Fire and 2 Earth that day instead of 1 of each, but he may not claim any Water, unless he has a way of gaining Energy outside of his School)
Failed by Kevan, Jan 14; 15:22. -5 to Cayvie, +2 to Kevan.
5 Power, 2 Water, 1 Earth
The Sorcerer casting this spell channels some of his or her energy into the earth around him or her, creating a period of magical fertility. If that Sorcerer would add any values to his or her Energy Reserves in the 24 hours after the casting of this spell, that Sorceror may add an additional 1 point of the appropriate energy.
(e.g. Kevan casts this, and can claim 2 Fire and 2 Earth that day instead of 1 of each, but he may not claim any Water, unless he has a way of gaining Energy outside of his School)

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