Proposal: Special Events (GameBoard)
A GameBoard player may spend 1/2 of his points (rounded up) to designate any empty square as a Monument. Monuments may contain a small image (no larger than the square) and a hyperlink for further explanation.
In order to enact a Monument, 1/2 of Quorum must agree to the sentiment of the Monument before it is created. (thus ensuring a *bit* of check and balance) Note: The members who approve the Monument do not have to be Board Players. (thus involving more players in the board)
Failed by Kevan, Tuesday the 8th, -2 Points to Mikey, +2 Points to Kevan
A GameBoard player may spend 1/2 of his points (rounded up) to designate any empty square as a Monument. Monuments may contain a small image (no larger than the square) and a hyperlink for further explanation.
In order to enact a Monument, 1/2 of Quorum must agree to the sentiment of the Monument before it is created. (thus ensuring a *bit* of check and balance) Note: The members who approve the Monument do not have to be Board Players. (thus involving more players in the board)

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