Proposal : Golden Flux
[ I feel in the mood for a ruleset-mutating rule. ]
Enact a new Rule, "Fluctuation of the Markets":-
Once per week, on a Monday, the Emperor may Fluctuate the Markets. (If a Monday passes when the Markets have not been Fluctuated, the Emperor - unless he is Idle - loses 30 Gold.)
When the Markets are Fluctuated, the Emperor should select any two (separate) mentions of Gold quantities in the Ruleset (eg. "30 Gold"), using any random decision-making tool of his choice, such that each mention is equally likely to be chosen.
The first such mention then has its quantity doubled, and the second has its quantity halved (rounding away from zero).
Failed by Kevan, Friday the 9th, 0 Gold to Kevan
[ I feel in the mood for a ruleset-mutating rule. ]
Enact a new Rule, "Fluctuation of the Markets":-
Once per week, on a Monday, the Emperor may Fluctuate the Markets. (If a Monday passes when the Markets have not been Fluctuated, the Emperor - unless he is Idle - loses 30 Gold.)
When the Markets are Fluctuated, the Emperor should select any two (separate) mentions of Gold quantities in the Ruleset (eg. "30 Gold"), using any random decision-making tool of his choice, such that each mention is equally likely to be chosen.
The first such mention then has its quantity doubled, and the second has its quantity halved (rounding away from zero).

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