Proposal: Workers of All Lands, Unite
Enact a rule "Labour Union" which states:
Civilians may organize. Civilians may join the Labour Union simply by saying so in a post. The admins will maintain a Labour Union membership sidebar by indicating members with an * (asterisk) by their name. Members of the Labour Union may:
1) Elect a Labour Union Leader through nomination and majority vote [position to be added in Rule # 20 under the Civilian branch]
2) Strike
a. The Labour Union Leader may post an announcement to Strike at anytime
b. A Strike only occurs when all the Labour Union Members have voted FOR the Strike and moved into the Factory (picketing) within 24 hours of the initial post, otherwise the Strike fails.
1. If the Strike is successful then each government official will suffer a fine of three (3) credits per Labour Union Member per 12 hour period during which the Strike lasts.
c. The Strike only lasts so long as all Labour Union Members remain in the Factory
1. However, during this time, they may not earn money for working in the Factory.
d. After the first 12 hours of a successful Strike any Government Official may (only from the Imperial Palace) call for an Injunction.
1. The Injunction passes only if a majority of non-civilians vote FOR it within 24 hours of its Proposition.
2. A successful Injunction breaks up a Strike by returning each Labour Union Member to their housing complex and fining them 15 credits (an Injunction may not be grounds for moving citizens into the Hospital).
e. Otherwise the Strike continues until other Rules, such as Rule # 20, take effect.
If the Labour Union Leader’s credits exceed those of the current Emperor, a new dynasty will begin and the Labour Union Leader will become the new Emperor.
[Sorry to repost this, it would seem that it had magically disappeared. So if everyone please vote on this again]
Failed by Anthony as per Rule 7, 9/2. -5 to Aaron & +2 to Anthony.
Civilians may organize. Civilians may join the Labour Union simply by saying so in a post. The admins will maintain a Labour Union membership sidebar by indicating members with an * (asterisk) by their name. Members of the Labour Union may:
1) Elect a Labour Union Leader through nomination and majority vote [position to be added in Rule # 20 under the Civilian branch]
2) Strike
a. The Labour Union Leader may post an announcement to Strike at anytime
b. A Strike only occurs when all the Labour Union Members have voted FOR the Strike and moved into the Factory (picketing) within 24 hours of the initial post, otherwise the Strike fails.
1. If the Strike is successful then each government official will suffer a fine of three (3) credits per Labour Union Member per 12 hour period during which the Strike lasts.
c. The Strike only lasts so long as all Labour Union Members remain in the Factory
1. However, during this time, they may not earn money for working in the Factory.
d. After the first 12 hours of a successful Strike any Government Official may (only from the Imperial Palace) call for an Injunction.
1. The Injunction passes only if a majority of non-civilians vote FOR it within 24 hours of its Proposition.
2. A successful Injunction breaks up a Strike by returning each Labour Union Member to their housing complex and fining them 15 credits (an Injunction may not be grounds for moving citizens into the Hospital).
e. Otherwise the Strike continues until other Rules, such as Rule # 20, take effect.
If the Labour Union Leader’s credits exceed those of the current Emperor, a new dynasty will begin and the Labour Union Leader will become the new Emperor.
[Sorry to repost this, it would seem that it had magically disappeared. So if everyone please vote on this again]

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