Proposal: Consolidation [Trivial]
Amend rule #20 as follows:
[This way the Emperor is actually part of the chain. And since there are no multiple occupiers of levels 4 & 5, Emperor is still intangibly yet uniquely attainable. It just makes sense that Emperor should be the top of the government chain, not some separate entity altogether, otherwise, what is the Prime Minister for?]
Enacted by Anthony, 9/8. +2 to Aaron, +2 to Anthony.
Remove Gov: Ministry sub-Branch level 5 - Prime Minister
and move Gov: Emperor to this position so that it reads:
Gov:Ministry: (Gov:M:)
Level 1 - Intern
Level 2 - Aide
Level 3 - Senator
Level 4 - Minister
Level 5 - Emperor
[This way the Emperor is actually part of the chain. And since there are no multiple occupiers of levels 4 & 5, Emperor is still intangibly yet uniquely attainable. It just makes sense that Emperor should be the top of the government chain, not some separate entity altogether, otherwise, what is the Prime Minister for?]

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