Proposal: Arrrrrrrr
enact a rule entitled "Medical Malpractice" described by the following wondrous words:
Enacted by est, 23rd Oct. +10 to Aaron, +5 to est
The Doctor is not as infallible as originally thought. Should a specimen attain an intelligence of 6 and their lifeforce equal at least 100 it shall be eligible to engage the Doctor in a Surgical Challenge. The Surgical Challenge involves:
1. The eligible specimen issues a challenge to the Doctor(the Doctor has no choice but the accept)*.
2. Each participant shall then have 48 hours to craft a "special surgical enhancement" expressed in the form of a post.
3. Each specimen shall vote on the surgical enhancements showing which one they prefer (putting a FOR vote in the comments section of the preferred submission and leaving the other one blank). Their vote, however, carries a weight equal to their relative intelligence. So, a specimen with an intelligence of 3 voting FOR the Doctor’s post will be counted as three FOR votes for the Doctor’s “special surgical enhancement”.
4. The participant that has the most FOR votes after another 48 hours (note: the whole Surgical Challenge takes 96 hours) becomes or remains the Doctor.
5. If the challenger loses, then he/she/it suffers a penalty of -2 to his/her/its intelligence.
Prohibitions: No surgical enhancements may be performed on any specimen subsequent to the initial issuing of a Surgical Challenge
*Conditions: To mark the beginning of the first 48 hour period and to show that the Doctor acknowledges the challenge he shall have the privilege of naming certain conditions of the "special surgical enhancement" (i.e. no robotic parts, animal parts may only come from those that start with the letter Q, must somehow involve the game Go, etc ...).

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