Proposal: Tracking Planetary upgrades
Create two new columns in the GNDT headed "Inf" (for Infrastructure) and "SF" (for "Star Fleet").
I'm proposing this because I've just bought a Mining Complex in order to get my planet's industry back up and running, but found that there's no place to document the purchase!
Enacted by est @ 3rd Dec : +15 to est
- the "Infrastructure" column would be a comma-separated list of the Infrastructure that has been constructed on the Representative's planet so far. at this time the options would only include "Mining Complex", "Combat Shipyard" and "Trade Shipyard", but this selection could easily be expanded upon once new Infrastructure options become available.
- the "Star Fleet" column would be a comma-separated list of the type and quantity of ships that are in the planet's Star Fleet. the options at this time would only include Trade Ships, but as with Infrastructure this selection could easily be expanded upon once new options become available
I'm proposing this because I've just bought a Mining Complex in order to get my planet's industry back up and running, but found that there's no place to document the purchase!

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