Proposal:Blindness [Trivial]
Add to the end of rule 16, the paragraph:
Also, I'd like to thank Damanor for the donation of life force: I'd like to use it for an improved nervous system, which would allow more efficient information relay from the brain in my toe.
Enacted Nov. 17 by Damanor, +2 to Bluebottle, +2 to Damanor.
In addition, a specimen may have the 'Blind' attribute, noted in the 'Modifications' section of the GNDT. A specimen who is Blind receives minus 1 to both Attack and Defence, to a minimum of 0. A specimen may only be blinded once at a time. A specimen may be cured of Blindness with occular implants of any sort; the cost of which is the same as increasing attack by one and defence by one.
Also, I'd like to thank Damanor for the donation of life force: I'd like to use it for an improved nervous system, which would allow more efficient information relay from the brain in my toe.

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