Proposal: Rebellion!
I propose that the following events have transpired:
Basically, this would mean that the following changes would have to be made to the Ruleset.
Add a new paragraph to Rule 20: Military Force:
Also, to the end of Rule 11: Planets, add
Self-killed by Cayvie Jan 2; -5 to Cayvie, +2 to Damanor.
It appears that underneath our interstellar noses, the people of the small planet of Aberdeen have begun harboring some discontent toward the Planetary Council. This appears to be the doing of one woman, named Elisande, who has rallied the people of Aberdeen and gotten them to do her bidding willingly. Underneath her rule, the citizens of Aberdeen have built a Mining Complex, a Space Complex: Combat Shipyard, and a Space Complex: Trading Post.
Not only have they done this against the wills of the Council, but they have allegedly begun trade with races outside our galaxy, and have acquired technologies that the Council does not understand.
As if this weren't enough, Elisande is offering deals to Free Agents, and only Free Agents. She has a supply of ships she calls Maulers, which bear little resemblance to anything ever seen by the Planetary Council. Not only do Maulers increase their owner's Oortnot value by 5, but they also have a weapon that can shoot powerful, localized shock waves, which can cause seismic activity on the surfaces of planets. She is willing to sell Maulers to any Free Agent who desires them, for the paltry price of 45 MegaCredits each. She is also selling the normal ships available in our military, for 10 MC's more than our standard prices.
Basically, this would mean that the following changes would have to be made to the Ruleset.
Add a new paragraph to Rule 20: Military Force:
Any Free Agent may buy the following ships from the rebellious planet of Aberdeen: Cruiser (40 Mega-Credits), Fighter (20 Mega-Credits), Mauler (45 Mega-Credits). The Cruiser and Fighter are identical to the ones previously mentioned. The Mauler increases its owner's Oortnot value by 5, and enables its owner to assault planets. If the owner of a Mauler wishes to assault a planet, he or she posts a comment in the GNDT, "Assaulting [PlanetName]: (DICE+[Attacker's Oortnot]), (DICE+[Defender's Oortnot]). If the Attacker's outcome is higher, he or she may destroy any one Infrastructure or Space Utility on that planet, or any two ships. If the Defender's outcome is higher, half of each type of ship (rounded up) owned by the Attacker is destroyed.
Also, to the end of Rule 11: Planets, add
No player may at any time represent the rebellious planet of Aberdeen.

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