Ammendment: Ascension
(This for two reasons: 1, as Kevan raised, it's possible to exploit the same rules loophole as the winner of the Dynasty to take the victory from his/her hands before he has had a chance to repeal it, and 2. assuming the the rules are repealed immediately, it becomes hard to check on the victor's logic, and check for further loopholes that could lead to a CtJ.)
Add the following paragraph to the beginning of rule 10 - Ascension:
Somewhat over-wordy, I know, but I can't see any possible room for loopholes. Basically creates a grey area between Dynasties; as we all know, grey areas have a grand scope for maneuvering in, so I hope this prevents shenanigans....
Enacted by Alex Jan 7; +10 to Joranj, +5 to Bluebottle.
(This for two reasons: 1, as Kevan raised, it's possible to exploit the same rules loophole as the winner of the Dynasty to take the victory from his/her hands before he has had a chance to repeal it, and 2. assuming the the rules are repealed immediately, it becomes hard to check on the victor's logic, and check for further loopholes that could lead to a CtJ.)
Add the following paragraph to the beginning of rule 10 - Ascension:
A Dynasty is considered over when a Representative has fulfilled any criteria raised during that Dynasty and reflected in the current ruleset.
As soon as this has taken place, the Representative must post an entry claiming their own Ascension. This may not be done retrospectively; the conditions must be still be met at the exact time of posting. There shall then follow a 24 hour haitus, in which not further proposals may be submitted, nor GNDT changes made, nor changes to the ruleset (including repeals) enacted; however, Calls to Judgement regarding the Ascension may still be posted.
Assuming, at the end of the 24 hour period, there have been no Calls to Judgement made, the new Speaker may continue about their new Dynasty as detailed below. If a Call to Judgement has been made, neither the new Dynasty nor the old may progress until it has been resolved. Only once it has been resolved will the Representative be considered to have Ascended, and only then may new proposals and GNDT changes be made.
The Dynasty is considered to have begun from when the 24 hour haitus is finished or all Calls to Judgement have been resolved.
Somewhat over-wordy, I know, but I can't see any possible room for loopholes. Basically creates a grey area between Dynasties; as we all know, grey areas have a grand scope for maneuvering in, so I hope this prevents shenanigans....
Enacted by Alex Jan 7; +10 to Joranj, +5 to Bluebottle.
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