Proposal: The Black Market [Mob]
Create a new rule, entitled Cash
If Prohibition fails, then this proposal fails.
[Just trying to rework the money idea Kevan proposed. Since I think Cash will be generally a mob concern, I think it belongs as a mob rule.
The speakeasy is this proposal is not meant to refer to any specific speakeasy, such as in The BlogNomic Job, only to a general buyer of hooch.]
Failed by Brendan, 2:30 pm GMT, 2.5.2004.
Every Person shall have an amount of Cash, denoted by the symbol $. This shall be tracked in a GNDT field. Persons shall begin with $0. The Cash a Person has can never fall below $0. There are several manners a Person may gain or lose Cash:
Cops (including the Man) receive a salary of $100 every 24 hours.
Civilians reveive a salary of $50 every 24 hours.
Mobsters do not receive a salary, unless they are also a Cop. Mobsters make Cash by selling hooch at $150 per unit to a speakeasy. A mobster may make the hooch themselves or buy it from someone else for an amount of Cash agreed upon by the seller and the buyer. A mobster cannot sell hooch during the same 24 hour period as the Mobster made it. A Mobster can sell hooch during the same 24 hour period as it was bought from someone. The locastion of the hooch and Cash shall be entered in the GNDT.
If Prohibition fails, then this proposal fails.
[Just trying to rework the money idea Kevan proposed. Since I think Cash will be generally a mob concern, I think it belongs as a mob rule.
The speakeasy is this proposal is not meant to refer to any specific speakeasy, such as in The BlogNomic Job, only to a general buyer of hooch.]

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