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Tuesday, February 24, 2004

proposal: 'what are you saying? that I can dodge bullets?' [trivial]

create a new super-power, "bullet dodge":

a hero with bullet dodge may avoid losing power from a failing proposal. this is done by self-failing one of their proposals with a comment including something about "dodging this bullet". when this super-power is used, the hero loses no power from that proposal failing. heroes may not use this power on other hero's proposals, may not use this power on any proposal that has already been failed, passed or vetoed, and may use it only once every 24 hours.

might be usefull for those who have a tendency to need to re-post their proposals.

AGAINST Failed by Brendan, 4 to 13, at 1:47 pm GMT on 2.26.2004. +1 to Brendan, -5 to Kahbn.