Proposal : Bad Medicine
At the current rate of attacks, assuming a perfect distribution and with an average of two Crew Members per Location, each of us will lose 50 Health once every 12 days (6 attacks). That seems like a lot until you realize that during those 6 attacks, each Crew Member will gain an average of 120 Health from 6 med-kit uses. For any given person to die would require them getting hit twice in a row; thanks to the "one Location is immune" rule, that's less than a 4% chance for any of us.
Since the purpose of this phase of the game IS to kill us all off...
Change the second paragraph of Rule 15 - Aliens to read:
Passed 8 to 0 by Brendan at 6:41 pm GMT on 6.6.2004. +3 to Brendan.
Since the purpose of this phase of the game IS to kill us all off...
Change the second paragraph of Rule 15 - Aliens to read:
Emergency med-kits are available at each Location, but supplies are limited. During an alien attack, crew members at one random location can hear the carnage and in fear open up the med-kits. The Crew Member resolving the alien attack must post the GNDT comment "Med-Kits: DICE" and compare the resulting number to the list of Locations in Rule 14. If that Location is the same Location where the aliens are currently attacking, the resolving Crew Member must continue posting "Med-Kits: DICE" until the resulting number does not match the Location of the current alien attack.
At the Location indicated by the Med-Kits roll, Crew Members collectively gain 30 Health (rounded up to the nearest integer), divided equally among the Crew Members at that Location. For example, if there are 4 Crew Members in the Caves and 2 on the Bridge, and neither of those Locations is attacked, and the resolving Crew Member rolls a 1 for Med-Kit use, all Crew Members at the Bridge gain 8 Health.
Passed 8 to 0 by Brendan at 6:41 pm GMT on 6.6.2004. +3 to Brendan.
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