Proposal: Affliction Tidbits [Trivial]
In the Affliction Gene rule,
It makes legal the two Afflictions Orson proposed and we approved. It also clarifies what removing a Affliction does and what to do when a already Afflicted Strain gets another Affliction.
5-0 - Reached Quorum - Enacted by Chronos
- change
Afflictions have a certain cost to be given to a Strain, and may have as many positive or negative effects as the creator wishes.
toAn Affliction must have one or more well defined conditions that trigger its activation upon one or more Strains, as well as one or more well defined conditions that allow an Afflicted Strain to get rid of the Affliction.
An Affliction may have as many positive or negative effects as the creator wishes. Removing an Affliction from a Strain reverts to innocuous the Enome Base tracking that Affliction. Giving an Affliction to a Strain overwrites any Affliction that Strain has and is tracked by the same Enome Base. - change
When a Fever passes to a new Strain, the old Strain's Enome tracking Afflicitions shall revert to innocuous.
toWhen a Fever passes to a new Strain, the old Strain shall remove the Affliction from itself.
It makes legal the two Afflictions Orson proposed and we approved. It also clarifies what removing a Affliction does and what to do when a already Afflicted Strain gets another Affliction.

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