Proposal: Reciprocal Rebuke [Trivial]
In the Casus Belli rule, change
2-0. Timed-Out . Enacted by Chronos, Oct 27
A Warlord may send another Warlord whom does not currently have a Casus Belli against them a Diplomatic Rebuke. The targetted Warlord loses 5 Reputation and immediately gains a Casus Belli against the Warlord sending the Rebuke.
A Warlord may send another Warlord whom does not currently have a Casus Belli against them a Diplomatic Rebuke. The targeted Warlord loses 5 Reputation and immediately gains a Casus Belli against the Warlord sending the Rebuke. Within 24 hours of receiving the Rebuke, the target may choose to spend another 5 Reputation and return the Rebuke. That makes the original Warlord lose 10 Reputation and immediately gain a Casus Belli against the targeted Warlord.

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