Proposal: Ministerial Institution
Add a rule Cabinet:
15-0 - Reached Quorum (7) - Enacted by Chronos
The Prime Minister is aided in his role by a Cabinet, which is comprised by various Portfolios. Each Portfolio is held by a Lord, named by the Prime Minister. No Portfolio may be held by more than one Lord at any given time. If a Portfolio exists but is not held by any Lord, the Prime Minister may exert the powers attributed to that Portfolio. The Portfolio or Portfolios held by a Lord, if any, are tracked by the GNDT.
The Prime Minister may grant any Lord a Cabinet Portfolio, by posting an entry with subject: “Cabinet member nomination: [Lord], [Portfolio]”. The Prime Minister may demote any Lord from a Cabinet Portfolio, by posting an entry with subject: “Cabinet member demotion: [Lord], [Portfolio]” or by nominating another Lord for that Portfolio.
All Cabinet Portfolios shall be defined by a rule, which shall establish the powers granted to the Lord holding each Portfolio.
A Lord holding a Portfolio is granted the status of Minister.

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