Proposal: Protocol Goodness [Trivial]
In Rule 28 -- Protocols, replace the text
with the text
Replace the text:
with the text
There is a bit of an edge case here. You START your Speaker selection protocol with the words outlined, and then you go on to tack on another sentence like "When this Protocol is added to the ruleset, add a new rule, "Patio is a bastard", which reads "No Proposal can pass if Patio has voted AGAINST it". This might avoid the restriction against having a Protocol "edit" a rule, since "Patio is a bastard" never existed to be edited.
15-0. Reached Quorum (6). Enacted by Chronos
A Speaker Selection Protocol must start with the words "A Lord in [Party] is Eligible for elevation to Speaker of [Party] if all of the following conditions are met: [conditions] ".
with the text
A Speaker Selection Protocol must be of the form "A Lord in [Party] is Eligible for elevation to Speaker of [Party] if all of the following conditions are met: [conditions] ".
Replace the text:
Except as explicitly outlined below, no Protocol may contradict any other rule not marked as allowing such a contradiction by a Protocol, cause any change of gamestate, cause any Rule to become edited, cause a declaration of victory, or allow any action not specifically authorized by a non-Protocol section of the ruleset.
with the text
Except as explicitly outlined below, no Protocol may contradict any other rule not marked as allowing such a contradiction by a Protocol, cause any change of gamestate, cause any modification of the Rules, cause a declaration of victory, or allow any action not specifically authorized by a non-Protocol section of the ruleset.
There is a bit of an edge case here. You START your Speaker selection protocol with the words outlined, and then you go on to tack on another sentence like "When this Protocol is added to the ruleset, add a new rule, "Patio is a bastard", which reads "No Proposal can pass if Patio has voted AGAINST it". This might avoid the restriction against having a Protocol "edit" a rule, since "Patio is a bastard" never existed to be edited.

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