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Sunday, November 07, 2004

Proposal: Red/Blue (Green, yellow and black?)

Adds a new rule, Supporters
Each Speaker has a percentage of the population supporting their party. This is tracked in the GNDT under Perc (abbreviated). Non-speakers have a blank field for Percent.

Each Party begins with 15% of the population supporting them. If at any time, the combined percent of all of the parties is greater than 100%, subtract 1% from all the parties until the combined percent is less than or equal to 100%.

Each time a non-speaker member of a party has a succesfully passed non-trivial proposal, their party may gain 1% of the population. Each time a speaker has a succesfully passed non-trivial proposal, their party may gain 3% of the population.

If at anytime a party has more than 45% of the population supporting them, every member of that party may gain 10 confidence. That party may not gain more for 36 hours, at which point they may, provided they still have >45%. This process continues until they have <45%.
There could be other ways later, to gain Perc. I was thinking in the Party Gains propsal.

6-0 - Reached Quorum - Enacted by Chronos