Proposal: Movement
In rule 10 - The Sea, change:
In rule 16 - Style change all instances of:
Create a rule named Movement and Stance:
8-1. Reached Quorum. Enacted by Chronos at 02/19/2005 GMT 11:10
Gremmies can either be Swimming, Surfing, Standing or Wiped Out - this is their Stance, and a Gremmie can change their own Stance at any time. Gremmies on the Beach default to Standing - Gremmies trying to Stand in the Sea default to Swimming.
Gremmies may move, once per day - a Swimming or Standing Gremmie may add or subtract up to 5 from their Yards, and a Surfing Gremmie may subtract 10 from their Yards.
Gremmies can either be Swimming, Surfing, Standing or Wiped Out - this is their Stance and is tracked by the GNDT."
In rule 16 - Style change all instances of:
Their Stance is changed to "Wiped Out" and may not be changed again until another Gremmie changes their own Stance.
Their Stance is changed to "Wiped Out".
Create a rule named Movement and Stance:
A Gremmie that is not Wiped Out can change their own Stance at any time.
Only Gremmies with a positive Yard number may be Swimming or Surfing. Only Gremmies with a non-positive number may be Standing.
A Wiped Out Gremmie can only change their Stance if another Gremmie has changed Stance that same day, but not before they became Wiped Out.
Gremmies may move, once per day. The type of movement a Gremmie is allowed depends upon that Gremmie's Stance, as follows:
- a Swimming or Standing Gremmie may add or subtract up to 5 from their Yards. If their Yards change signs (positive to non-positive or vice-versa), their Stance shall be adjusted accordingly.
- a Surfing Gremmie may subtract 10 from their Yards, provided their current Yards is greater than 10.
- a Wiped Out Greemie cannot move.

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