Proposal: Repairs
The Caine can recieve some assistance from her crew in her attempt to reach Euclidean Space. They can repair parts of the ship, decreasing the time left until she reaches Euclidean space, and earning themselves some logic at the same time
Create a rule entitled "Repairs" with the text
Append to rule victory the text
Upon passage of this proposal, the enacting admin shall make a post entitled 'Repairs' detailing the first repair to be made, but omitting the information regarding the completion of the previous (non-existent) repair. The admin's logic shall not be incrased, nor the value of T decreased.
Furthermore, increase the value of T by one per active crewemember upon passage of this proposal.
This gives people that don't like logic puzzles something to do, and means that the time remaining is variable. The value of T is increased so that all crewmembers have a chance to make Repairs.
If you don't like the wording, suggest improvments and I'll fix it.
Failed 2-4 with one abstention (timed out). Failed by smith, 18th of May at 2:22.
Create a rule entitled "Repairs" with the text
At any time, if a crewmember can complete the requirements in the most recent legal post entitled 'Repairs' to the blog, then e may increase eir logic by 5, and add a post to the frontpage entitled 'Repairs', which contins the following information:
- The location, action, and results of eir DICEX check for the logic test required by the previous repairs post
- The text "T=T-1"
- The requirements for the next action under this rule, which are a randomly determined location, action, and logic check value, determined as detailed below
The location and action shall be determined by using a DICEX for each, where X is the number of locations or actions accessable by every crewmember, and the result shall be the DICEXth item on the respective list. The value required for the logic check shall be DICE(Y)+20, where Y is the highest logic value of any crewmember, including the computer.
If the requirements for the location and action for the current repair correspond to a piece of machinery in the ruleset, that piece of machinery can not be used until the repair is completed. Note that this applies to every instance of that machine in all locations, but the repair can only take place in the location given in the 'Repairs' post.
Append to rule victory the text
Whenever a legal post entitled 'Repairs' is made, the value of T shall be decremented by one. Note that neither the poster, nor whoever decremented the timer shall be considered to have attained victory under the first sentence of this rule if the timer is set to 0
Upon passage of this proposal, the enacting admin shall make a post entitled 'Repairs' detailing the first repair to be made, but omitting the information regarding the completion of the previous (non-existent) repair. The admin's logic shall not be incrased, nor the value of T decreased.
Furthermore, increase the value of T by one per active crewemember upon passage of this proposal.
This gives people that don't like logic puzzles something to do, and means that the time remaining is variable. The value of T is increased so that all crewmembers have a chance to make Repairs.
If you don't like the wording, suggest improvments and I'll fix it.

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