Tentative Powers: Worldwide Cabal of Militant Grammarians
I'm re-posting in correct form.
The Illuminatus who controls Organization Worldwide Cabal of Militant Grammarians may, upon noting the presence of a grammatical error in any post on the blognomic blog, the 8th Grade English Teacher may either alter eis influence upwards 5 points or alter the dunce's influence down 5 points at eis discretion. In order to do this the 8th Grade English Teacher must post to the front page with the title "X, go to the back of the class". The text of the post must note the nature of the error, its location and the action the 8th Grade English Teacher has chosen to take in response. The 8th Grade English Teacher may not do this more than once a day.
Any member of the class may, upon noting the presence of a grammatical error in a post on the blognomic blog, bring this to the attention of the 8th Grade English Teacher by posting to the comment thread of the offending post a comment making fun of the error and its author.
For the purposes of this rule let the controller of the Worldwide Cabal of Militant Grammarians, be referred to as the "8th Grade English Teacher" let the members of the organization be known as "the class" and let any person who posts to the front page of the blognomic blog a post containing a grammar error be known as "the dunce".
The Illuminatus who controls Organization Worldwide Cabal of Militant Grammarians may, upon noting the presence of a grammatical error in any post on the blognomic blog, the 8th Grade English Teacher may either alter eis influence upwards 5 points or alter the dunce's influence down 5 points at eis discretion. In order to do this the 8th Grade English Teacher must post to the front page with the title "X, go to the back of the class". The text of the post must note the nature of the error, its location and the action the 8th Grade English Teacher has chosen to take in response. The 8th Grade English Teacher may not do this more than once a day.
Any member of the class may, upon noting the presence of a grammatical error in a post on the blognomic blog, bring this to the attention of the 8th Grade English Teacher by posting to the comment thread of the offending post a comment making fun of the error and its author.
For the purposes of this rule let the controller of the Worldwide Cabal of Militant Grammarians, be referred to as the "8th Grade English Teacher" let the members of the organization be known as "the class" and let any person who posts to the front page of the blognomic blog a post containing a grammar error be known as "the dunce".

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