Proposal: I see your Schwartz is as big as mine
Rename Rule 10 to "The Adversary" and have it read:-
Passed 3-0. Reached Quorum. Aaron wins. Enacted by smith, 27th of June at 19:18.
There is an Illuminatus who is called the Adversary. The Adversary has the same powers as the Illuminatus Rex except that the Adversary uses a distinct Veto icon, which is called the Adversary's Seal (the icon may be added here by the Adversary). Each seal icon may only be changed by its wielder.Upon passage of this Proposal Illuminatus Aaron has achieved victory in this dynasty, unless he has declared a preference for the Adversary role, in which case replace 'Smith' with 'Aaron' in rule 10, and Illuminatus Smith has achieved victory instead. In either case, no Declaration of Victory is required and the Ascension Address may be posted at any time.
The Illuminatus Rex and the Adversary may overturn a veto imposed by the other. This may only be done if all Proposals subsequent to the one vetoed are still pending. The vetoed Proposal then reverts to pending status. Once a veto has been overturned on a Proposal, that Proposal may not be vetoed again.
The Dynasty is still considered to belong to the Illuminatus Rex alone, but if the Adversary is able to achieve victory in that Dynasty, then its title is changed in the Dynastic records to bear the name of the Adversary instead.
Illuminatus Smith is the current Adversary.
This rule may not be repealed in the Ascension Address.

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