Proposal: Soldiers get bored in peacetime
I hubly submit that the following is true, and should become a rule entitled 'Duelling'
Not sure this is in theme, but it's 'something to do'.
Failed for not beginning with "I humbly submit" by Cayvie at 15:01 on June 29.
The following may only be done if there exists a state of peace.
At present, there is a state of peace, but the Philosopher-King may declare war at any time, negating the state of peace.
Any Auxilliary may often publically insult another Auxilliary by posting to the blog frontpage to that effect; if the insulted Auxilliary does not reply with a challenge for a duel within 24 hours, then eir Honour is reduced by DICE10. The Auxilliary that issued the isult must then respond with an acceptance to duel within 24 hours of said response, or have eir honour reduced by 2DICE10. If either the insult or the challenge to duel are deemed to have high poetic merit by the Gadfly or the Philosopher-King, then the writer of same shall have eir Gold increased by 5.
If the duel is accepted, then any Disciple may roll 2DICEX for each Auxilliary, where X is equal to (Gold + 2*Honour + Knowledge). The Auxilliary whose result is higher has eir honour increased by 5; and additionally may increase eir honour by the difference between eir honour and the other Auxilliary's honour, if the latter is higher. The Auxilliary whose result is lower has eir Gold reduced by one-third the difference in the results, rounding down. If e has insufficient Gold, then ey are considered to be idle for 48 hours while ey recover.
Not sure this is in theme, but it's 'something to do'.

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