Proposal: How many Philosophers does it take to screw in a Lightbulb?
I humbly submit we create a rule called Hot Potato which reads as follows:
Passed 6-5, timed out. Enacted by smith, 18th of July at 15:40.
Occasionally, a Disciple may create a 'Hot Potato' (aka 'Potato') and put it into play by posting with the format "Thesis: [Unique Hot Potato Name], Version 1". This can only be done if there isn't another Hot Potato in play.
The body of the Hot Potato post must be a single grammatical sentence of no more than 25 words (flavor text in italics is ignored for this restriction).
Any Disciple may Pass the Potato by posting "Thesis: [Target Hot Potato Name], Version [previous version +1]", as long as e hasn't passed either of the last 2 versions of that Potato. The body of the Hot Potato must be the same, except that one of these modification methods has been used on it (once again, any italic flavor text is ignored):
- Replacement: A single word may be substituted for another in a single instance, or in every instance throughout the Hot Potato.
- Insertion: A word, clause or a whole sentence may be inserted into the Hot Potato text. This addition cannot exceed the wordcount limit of the initial Hot Potato sentence, but the total resulting text may do so. If the addition is a sentence or clause, it must relate to the meaning of the existing text in some way.
- Deletion: A sentence, clause or single word may be removed from the Hot Potato, as long as this leaves at least one complete sentence.
Any of these modifications must result in proper grammatical text.
This new version of the Hot Potato is now in play and the previous version ceases to be in play. If an illegal modification is made in passing the Potato, that version of the Hot Potato is invalid, and the previous version is still considered in play.
A Hot Potato post may be Vetoed by the Philosopher-King or Gadfly, which immediately puts it out of play.
If a Hot Potato has been in play for 48 hours without being passed, it ceases to be in play and immediately becomes a new rule with the same name as the Hot Potato and its final version number. (It goes into effect even if not yet entered into the ruleset.)

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