... I'm deliberately "mumbling," as it's been called, rather than proposing, because I'm not sure how to make this happen, or if it can be done... much less how I'd word it into a proposal... No hard feelings towards anyone who does know, and does it...
Is there a way we can make a quicklist in the Blognomic blog or GNDT of all pending proposals that need to be voted on? I lost Karma points for not voting on a proposal that I honestly just overlooked... and in all the jumble of proposals, CfJ's, etc... this will probably end up happening more to all of us...
Anyway, just a thought.
Is there a way we can make a quicklist in the Blognomic blog or GNDT of all pending proposals that need to be voted on? I lost Karma points for not voting on a proposal that I honestly just overlooked... and in all the jumble of proposals, CfJ's, etc... this will probably end up happening more to all of us...
Anyway, just a thought.
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