Proposal: Son of Theme Sundays
Replace the rule entitled "Alliteration Sundays" with the following rule:
Theme Sundays
Each Sunday has as a theme for posting one of the themes listed in this rule. If this rule lists more than one theme, the theme for a given Sunday cannot be the same as the theme for the prior Sunday. Any time between the end of one Sunday and the end of another, prior to the first post being scored for the coming Sunday, the player with the highest positive karma can post to the game blog selecting from this rule's list what the coming Sunday's theme will be, provided it does not repeat the prior Sunday's theme; selecting a theme will cause the player's karma to be reduced by 2, but will not reduce it below 0. If no player selects a theme, or if there are no players with positive karma, the theme in the list following the prior Sunday's theme will be used for the coming Sunday.
The list of themes is as follows:
[This creates a placeholder rule that other themes can be added to. It also makes karma something that can not only be used, but used up.]
Failed by Kevan, Thursday the 23rd, -4 Points to Don
Replace the rule entitled "Alliteration Sundays" with the following rule:
Theme Sundays
Each Sunday has as a theme for posting one of the themes listed in this rule. If this rule lists more than one theme, the theme for a given Sunday cannot be the same as the theme for the prior Sunday. Any time between the end of one Sunday and the end of another, prior to the first post being scored for the coming Sunday, the player with the highest positive karma can post to the game blog selecting from this rule's list what the coming Sunday's theme will be, provided it does not repeat the prior Sunday's theme; selecting a theme will cause the player's karma to be reduced by 2, but will not reduce it below 0. If no player selects a theme, or if there are no players with positive karma, the theme in the list following the prior Sunday's theme will be used for the coming Sunday.
The list of themes is as follows:
- Alliteration -- For the first 50 words blogged by each player, the blogger scores one point for every word that begins with the same letter that the first word does, and loses one point for every five words that do not.
- Surveillance -- A player participates in this theme by making the first post in the form of a report by someone performing surveillance on the player. Said participation earns the player 10 points.
[This creates a placeholder rule that other themes can be added to. It also makes karma something that can not only be used, but used up.]

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