If enacted, this proposal would introduce an entirely new rule to BlogNomic. I propose that the following rule be added:
"BlogNomic Lottery:
All players who lose points due to not voting on proposals shall forfeit their points to the BlogNomic Lottery. The amount of points currently in the lottery shall be updated by an Admin each time a proposal passes or fails, and shall be posted as "This Month's Jackpot" on the right side of the page above the current week's prizes.
The admin who updates the lottery first shall be awarded two points.
The Lottery shall be drawn on the last Sunday of the current month, between noontime and midnight, and no sooner; at which point an Admin must award the player with the most Karma points at the time of drawing the jackpot. The Admin awarding the jackpot must also announce in the BlogNomic the winner of the month's Lottery in an entry beginning 'Jackpot Winner: [winner's name].'
If an Admin fails to do this during the allotted time on the last Sunday of the month, all Admins will forfeit one point to the next month's lottery. However, the Admin who awards the Jackpot first may award himself five points." Enacted by Myke, Tuesday the 8th, 10 Points to Lyndse, 5 Points to Myke
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