Proposal : Imperial Bankcruptcy
[ Another simple proposal to give the game a Dynasty-ending mechanism - one that also assuages Noelle's Admin concerns, since it becomes in the interests of scheming Administrators to give their extra money to the poorer subjects.
Myke is currently quite comfortably off, so shouldn't have anything to worry about for a while - whether he feels like trying to impose taxation laws, in light of this, is up to him... ]
Enact a new Rule, "Imperial Bankcruptcy":-
If each and every Subject possesses more Gold than the Emperor, then the Emperor's Dynasty collapses into bankcruptcy and comes to an end. A new Dynasty begins with the richest Subject as its Emperor (resolve ties by having the previous Emperor choose).
Enacted by Kevan, Tuesday the 22nd, +15 Gold to Kevan
[ Another simple proposal to give the game a Dynasty-ending mechanism - one that also assuages Noelle's Admin concerns, since it becomes in the interests of scheming Administrators to give their extra money to the poorer subjects.
Myke is currently quite comfortably off, so shouldn't have anything to worry about for a while - whether he feels like trying to impose taxation laws, in light of this, is up to him... ]
Enact a new Rule, "Imperial Bankcruptcy":-
If each and every Subject possesses more Gold than the Emperor, then the Emperor's Dynasty collapses into bankcruptcy and comes to an end. A new Dynasty begins with the richest Subject as its Emperor (resolve ties by having the previous Emperor choose).

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