Proposal: People's Political Party
Create a new rule entitled "People's Political Party," which states:
Just in case you were wondering, the way I set up the credit requirements in this Proposal restricts the PPP from being able to abuse the actions available to them (ie- purchase a vote each week, etc.). It would enable some action, but not too much and would also work as a means of discussion. Let's give it a shot, I think it may be the start to adding more structure to the game.
Failed by Mat, Saturday the 30th
There exists an alliance known as the "People's Political Party" (PPP), that's membership is limited to Civilians and Scientists. The alliance's purpose is to allow Civilians and Scientists to join together to lobby for their collective rights and freedoms.
Membership and Dues:
Any Citizen designated as a Civilian or Scientist may decide to join the alliance for the period of a week by paying 3c by noon on Sundays towards that week's dues. The Dues collected by the PPP will remain in the People's Official Account until they are used. Credits may only be added to the People's Offical Account through the collection of dues.
Party Chairpeople Selection:
The two Civilians or Scientists with the most credits at the beginning of each week as of noon Sunday, will be known for the duration of the week as the "Party Chairpeople." These two Citizens must each add 1c (instead of the normal 3c) to the People's Official Account and are the official decision-makers for the PPP during that week. Their decisions should represent the wishes of the PPP that week.
At the time of their selection, the Party Chairpeople must post an entry stating the number of PPP members for the week and the updated balance of credits in the People's Official Account.
Lobbying and Spreading the Wealth:
As mentioned above, the credits from each week's membership will accumulate in the People's Official Account. They may only be removed by that week's Party Chairpeople from said account in two cases: Lobbying and Spreading the Wealth.
Lobbying: At any one time during the week, the PPP may decide, through discussion amongst it's members, to use the credits in the People's Official Account to purchase one vote to apply to one Pending Proposal. That vote can either be FOR or AGAINST and will cost the PPP 3c per member involved that week. The week's designated Party Chairpeople have the ultimate decision in this matter and may apply a vote (equal to that of any Citizen) by choosing the correct icon in the comments and signing the vote with the signature "PPP." They must also immediately deduct the total Lobbying cost from the People's Official Account.
Spreading the Wealth: At any one time during the week, the PPP may decide through discussion amongst it's members to use the credits to "Spread the Wealth." In this case, the Party Chairpeople are responsible for crediting each member with 3c from the People's Official Account. This may only take place if enough credits exist in the People's Official Account at that time. This decision must be mentioned in the entry of a post entitled "Spreading the Wealth."
The PPP may make additions, subtractions, or otherwise alter their rules by Proposing them in the normal fashion and according to all applicable rules in the Ruleset.
Just in case you were wondering, the way I set up the credit requirements in this Proposal restricts the PPP from being able to abuse the actions available to them (ie- purchase a vote each week, etc.). It would enable some action, but not too much and would also work as a means of discussion. Let's give it a shot, I think it may be the start to adding more structure to the game.

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