Proposal : We Have Always Been At War
[ Not only are there no rules for what to do if a targetted Nation completely ignores our attack, there's no way to abort a war that our Empire feels isn't going anywhere. ]
To Rule 27 (Ministry of Peace), add the paragraph:-
Self-Failed by Kevan, Tuesday the 16th. -3 Credits to Kevan.
(Illegally failed. Since the previous proposal was illegally failed, this one should not have been failed.)
Self-Failed by Kevan and failed by Anthony, Tuesday the 16th. -5 to Kevan, +2 to Anthony.
To Rule 27 (Ministry of Peace), add the paragraph:-
If a War has been in progress for a period greater than ten days, the Emperor (or any Military Officer who outranks the Operation Commander) may choose to call the War off, and optionally demote the Operation Commander by one Level.

(Illegally failed. Since the previous proposal was illegally failed, this one should not have been failed.)

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