Proposal : Diet Glarsh
[ As it stands, a new batch of Glarsh will have exactly the same effect as the old one, which seems a bit limiting, and a bit demanding - if it goes on forever, I'm going to have to be very careful not to let someone pour Glarsh in their ears and gain Life, when pouring Glarsh into ears a month previously got "no effect".
I also quite like the idea of using Glarsh as a Mastermind-style subgame - that I could pick a useful, powerful effect for a particular reaction to the substance, and let the Specimens try and work their way towards it, through reckless experimentation. ]
Reword Rule 17 (Glarsh) to:-
And rename the rule to "Recreational Chemistry".
Enacted by Kevan, 2nd November. +15 to Kevan
I also quite like the idea of using Glarsh as a Mastermind-style subgame - that I could pick a useful, powerful effect for a particular reaction to the substance, and let the Specimens try and work their way towards it, through reckless experimentation. ]
Reword Rule 17 (Glarsh) to:-
The Doctor, stopping at no perversity in the name of scientific research, frequently unleashes new and untested chemical compounds on his specimens. He may, at any time, present a new Chemical to the game by declaring such in a post with the title "Chemical : {Name}".
The Specimens may choose to react to this Chemical in any way they choose (i.e. drink it, attack it, ignore it, stare at it, play Go with it) in the form of a comment to the post.
The Doctor should respond to each such comment, detailing the effects that the Chemical has when manipulated in this way; such Chemical effects may change any number of GNDT variables, either permanently or temporarily.
Once an effect has been established for particular behaviour towards a Chemical, any further examples of that behaviour will invoke the same effect. (eg. Timmy drinks Chemical "Glarsh" and gets the Orange Spots modification; any further Specimens drinking Glarsh will also get Orange Spots.)
The Doctor may remove a Chemical from the game when he feels it has served its purpose, by announcing its removal in the comments of the post that introduced it; Specimens may not manipulate a Chemical once it has been removed.
Any player may start a Chemical petition. If a number of players equal to or higher than Quorum sign the petition, the the Doctor must, within 48 hours, provide a new Chemical for a period of at least 48 hours. If the Doctor does not, he is attacked by crazy-eyed Specimens, and loses 20 Life Points.
And rename the rule to "Recreational Chemistry".

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