Proposal : Freedom of Movement
[ Reproposed without the corridor. Note that it is still illegal to move anywhere apart from into the Arena - Location is gamestate, and there's no rule that permits Specimens to leave the Arena, or to enter the (very crowded) Lab... ]
To Rule 11, add:-
Any Specimens without assigned Locations shall be moved to the Lab.
Enacted by Kevan, 2nd November. +4 to Kevan
To Rule 11, add:-
Specimens may change their Location at any time, or be moved by Admin when Dying, becoming Frozen or being imprisoned in the Tank by the Doctor. Specimens may only enter and leave the Morgue and Stasis when their Death or Frozen status changes, and may not leave the Sceptic Tank before their sentence is up.
Any Specimens without assigned Locations shall be moved to the Lab.

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