Proposal: More on Glarsh
That the following paragraph be added to Rule 17:
Any player may start a Glarsh petition. If a number of players equal to or higher than Quorum sign the petition, the the Doctor must, within 48 hours, provide Glarsh to everyone for a period of at least 48 hours. If the Doctor does not, they are attacked by Glarsh-hungry Specimens, and lose 20 Life Points.
Enacted by Squirrel, 28nd Oct. (I changed the rule to read "he/she is" rather than "they are" for clarity. Anyone who objects is welcome to CFJ this decision.)
Any player may start a Glarsh petition. If a number of players equal to or higher than Quorum sign the petition, the the Doctor must, within 48 hours, provide Glarsh to everyone for a period of at least 48 hours. If the Doctor does not, they are attacked by Glarsh-hungry Specimens, and lose 20 Life Points.

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