Proposal: Galactic Mining Market
Add a new rule, Galactic Mining Market, which contains the following:
Failed by Damanor Jan 5; -5 to Mat, +2 to Damanor.
By some economic twist, there exists a market much like a traditional stock market, except with values based on the ratio of mineral mining. Before the start of a new week, each representative is allowed to place a wager based on the ratio of Adamantium-to-Titanium mining as a composite from all planets. One mining session performed by a representative increments the respective mineral count by one. At the end of the week (Sun 23:59), the representative with the prediction closest to the final ratio value earns a double return on his wager. If two representatives are equidistant in prediction values from the outcome ratio, each earns a 50% return on each's respective wager; if three representatives are equidistant, a 33% return, etc.
Unrewarded credits are deposited into the Galactic Bank at the end of the week. If an insufficient amount of credits exists in the Mining market to reward the winner(s), the Galactic bank covers the shortage with a direct transfer of funds to the winner. Other than these deposits and withdrawls, the Galactic Bank plays no other part in the Mining Market and thus representatives need not deposit their wagers.
As an example: If Adamantium is mined 7 times in one week, and Titanium 5 times; and Damanor predicted a 1.3 ratio at 10 credits while Loric a 1.2 ratio at 20 credits, then Damanor would earn 20 credits (as 1.3 is the closest to the ratio of 1.4) and the remaining 10 unrewarded credits would be transferred to the Galactic Bank.

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