Proposal: The Thing That Came From Somewhere
Enact a new Rule, "Things":-
Enacted by Kevan, 7th January. +15 Life to Kevan.
All Lifeforms have a Species - either Human or Thing. All Lifeforms begin the game as Human. The Radio keeps track of each Lifeform's Species secretly.
If a Thing is alone in a Location with another Lifeform, it may attack it by privately contacting the Radio with this intention. If the attacked Lifeform was a Human, it becomes a Thing, and the Radio should contact the victim to inform them of this change.
The first Lifeform to privately contact the Radio expressing a desire to become a Thing will become a Thing. This paragraph may be removed from the ruleset by the Radio, at any time. (If no Things exist when it is removed, then a random Lifeform will be made into a Thing, and privately informed of this fact.)

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