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Wednesday, February 25, 2004

Double Agent

Change rule 14 from:

14 - Allegiances

All Heroes are either Good or Evil; they may choose to declare this in the GNDT, or to keep it a secret and reveal it later. Once a Hero has declared themselves to be Good or Evil, they may not change their mind.

Any Hero who has declared their allegiance may nominate an Arch-Enemy from those who have declared the opposite allegiance; this is also tracked in the GNDT, and may not be changed once first chosen.

Evil Heroes are known as "Villains". The Super Villain is automatically Evil.

14 - Allegiances

All Heroes are either Good or Evil; they may choose to declare this in the GNDT, or to keep it a secret and reveal it later.

If a Hero wishes to change their allegiance, they must've first declared it in the GNDT. A Hero may change allegiances, but no more than twice in this Dynasty. If they switch from the side with a lesser sum of Power to the side with a greater sum of Power (before their switch), they lose 10 Power.

Any Hero who has declared their allegiance may nominate an Arch-Enemy from those who have declared the opposite allegiance; this is also tracked in the GNDT, and may not be changed once first chosen.

Evil Heroes are known as "Villains". The Super Villain is automatically Evil.

I think the ability to be a double agent once is important, and may become much more so when Good and Bad become further seperated.

I'll give this 24 hours of discussion time, and if it hasn't gotten too bad of a reception then I'll edit it to make a legal proposal. Don't vote before then, because technically there isn't anything to vote on.