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Saturday, February 07, 2004

Proposal: Codenames are People Too (Trivial) (Law)

Add the folowing to rule 19: Codenames:

Codenames are treated as people under the rules except where otherwise specified. Codenames may not vote on proposals.

Codenames may not be arrested, but a person may be arrested for crimes committed under a codename if that codename has been revealed at the time of the arrest.

It seems unclear whether I can do anything under a codename that I can do under my real name, so I'm proposing a clarification. This also clarifies how a codename's owner may be held responsible for crimes commited under the pseudonym. We may need more here. Take a look and let me know what you think.

Failed by Alex, 10th Feb, 3 votes to 10. -5 to Orkboi, +1 to Bluebottle.