Proposal: Sound the Alarm! (Law)
Add a new section to Jobs as follows:
Add a new job to this section as follows:
Add the follwoing Law rule, entitled Fugitives.
Enacted by Kevan, 15th Feb. +10 to Orkboi, +2 to Kevan.
Some jobs can be initiated by persons:
Add a new job to this section as follows:
A person who is in jail and has been there at least 24 hours can plan a jailbreak. This person becomes the leader of the jailbreak. A jailbreak requires at least one other person. Only people in jail can participate in a jailbreak and no one may participate in more than one jailbreak in any 24 hour period. To carry out the job, the leader must make a post in the GNDT stating "Jailbreak in progress". Each participant must also then post their participation within 15 minutes. After 15 minutes is up, the leader may then post "Jailbreak DICE+number of participants. If the result of the die roll is 6 or better, the jailbreak succeeds, otherwise if fails. A police person may stop the jailbreak at any time during the 15 minutes by posting "Gotcha" in the the GNDT. If the jailbreak succeeds, all prisoners gain 20 status and they go from being a Prisoner to being a Fugitive. If it fails, they lose 10 status and remain in Jail. If a police person halts the jailbreak, that person gains 10 status.
Add the follwoing Law rule, entitled Fugitives.
Under certain circumstances, people may become fugitives. Fugitives may not enter the Bordello, the Casino, or City Hall. If a fugitive is ever arrested, they go directly to jail without benefit of a trial, and the arresting officer receives any rewards that are appropriate.

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