Proposal: Term Limits [Law]
Add the following rule, "Eighth Amendment":
Revised to let the punishment fit the crime and to up the maximum length of a sentence.
Enacted by Kevan, 15th Jan. +10 to Satyr Eyes, +2 to Kevan.
No Person may be sent to Prison for more than seven days or forced to pay more than $500 pursuant to being found guilty in a lawful Trial. Any Person who has been Imprisoned for at least seven days is free, may leave Prison at their leisure, and is no longer considered an Accused or Imprisoned Person for the purposes of any Rule.
The punishment for brewing or buying hooch is five days' imprisonment. The punishment for selling hooch is five days' imprisonment, plus a fine equal to the amount the hooch was sold for. The punishment for running a Casino is either seven days' imprisonment or a fine of half the Casino's cash (not exceeding $500); the Man may choose which on a case-by-case basis. All fines are payable to the Man. This rule takes precedence over all other rules determining sentence.
If the Proposal "Prison Reform" passes, replace all instances of the word "Prison" in this Rule with "Jail" and of "Imprisoned" with "Jailed", and delete this paragraph.
Revised to let the punishment fit the crime and to up the maximum length of a sentence.

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