Proposal : Prison Reform
[ We've got one rule defining Prisoners and one defining a Jail location - this is a proposal to combine them, and to unify various mentions of Jail, Imprisonment and Prison throughout the ruleset.
Essentially the non-Proposing "Prisoner" state becomes "being moved to the Jail, which you can't leave". Sentence duration and escape is left as an exercise to the player. ]
Repeal Rule 16 (Jail).
In Rule 20 (City Locations), add the following effect-text to "Jail":-
Replace "becomes a Prisoner" with "goes to Jail" in Rule 15 (Eighteenth Amendment).
Replace "goes to Prison" with "goes to Jail" in the Rule "Police Rewards", if it exists.
Replace "made a prisoner" with "sent to Jail" in the Rule "Jobs", if it exists.
Replace "becomes a Prisoner" with "goes to Jail" in the Rule "Trials", if that one exists.
Also in "Trials", replace "Jailed" with "Charged", and "that Person's condition becomes Charged" with "they are moved to the Police Station and may not leave it until their Trial is over".
Also replace "shall be in Prison" with "shall be put in Jail", in Rule 23 (Warrants).
Enacted by Kevan, 13th Feb. +12 to Kevan.
Essentially the non-Proposing "Prisoner" state becomes "being moved to the Jail, which you can't leave". Sentence duration and escape is left as an exercise to the player. ]
Repeal Rule 16 (Jail).
In Rule 20 (City Locations), add the following effect-text to "Jail":-
People in Jail may not submit Proposals, nor may they move to another Location.
Replace "becomes a Prisoner" with "goes to Jail" in Rule 15 (Eighteenth Amendment).
Replace "goes to Prison" with "goes to Jail" in the Rule "Police Rewards", if it exists.
Replace "made a prisoner" with "sent to Jail" in the Rule "Jobs", if it exists.
Replace "becomes a Prisoner" with "goes to Jail" in the Rule "Trials", if that one exists.
Also in "Trials", replace "Jailed" with "Charged", and "that Person's condition becomes Charged" with "they are moved to the Police Station and may not leave it until their Trial is over".
Also replace "shall be in Prison" with "shall be put in Jail", in Rule 23 (Warrants).

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