Proposal: Turf War
Upon enactment of this Proposal, the Man shall designate an Person to create a second BlogNomic blog. There shall also be two new Wiki pages made, one entitled the Law, the other entitled the Rules of the Street.
An account shall be made an given posting privilages to this second Blog; the username for this account will the TheMan, and the password will be BlogNomic.
Create a new rule, entitled City Politics.
Failed by Cayvie at 1:00 AM Feb 2
An account shall be made an given posting privilages to this second Blog; the username for this account will the TheMan, and the password will be BlogNomic.
Create a new rule, entitled City Politics.
The Blog at shall be designated the Lawstate. The other blog shall be designated the Streetstate. Both blogs are subject to the Rulestate, and both use, affect and are affected by the same GNDT. Changes to the Rulestate may only be Proposed in the Lawstate blog; however, they are not considered to be part of the Lawstate for the purposes of this rule.
The Lawstate is subject to any rules passed to the Law, while the Streetstate is subject to any rules passed to the Rules of the Street. Proposals to change either the Law or the Rules of the Street must be proposed in the same format as a normal proposal, but with the Proposal prefix changed to either Law Proposal or Street Proposal. A player may have no more than a total of 4 pending Law and Street proposals at a time, and for the purposes of Status gains or losses these proposals are considered Trivial. Law and Street proposals must be posted to the blog they will affect.
The Lawstate
This is the Man's area of control. In the Lawstate, he has executive Veto, and can force any Proposal through that has at least one half (rounded up) of Quorum voting For.
The Streetstate
The Streets are run by the Mob. The Man may not initially know the web address of the Streetstate; should he ever find it, he may make a post on both the Streetstate (using the "TheMan" account) and the Lawstate declaring the Streetstate dispersed. Should this ever come to pass, the Rules of the Street are reset and a new Streetstate may be set up without the Man's knowledge.

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