Proposal : Villainy
[ Everyone teaming up against the Super-Villian seems a bit harsh. Without getting back into the complex hidden identities of the previous Dynasty, picking sides might be more entertaining. ]
Enact a new Rule, "Allegiances":-
Enacted by Kevan, 23rd Feb. +12 to Kevan.
Enact a new Rule, "Allegiances":-
All Heroes are either Good or Evil; they may choose to declare this in the GNDT, or to keep it a secret and reveal it later. Once a Hero has declared themselves to be Good or Evil, they may not change their mind.
Any Hero who has declared their allegiance may nominate an Arch-Enemy from those who have declared the opposite allegiance; this is also tracked in the GNDT, and may not be changed once first chosen.
Evil Heroes are known as "Villains". The Super Villain is automatically Evil.

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